
Barbera d’Alba DOC

Barbera is the wine of the Piedmontes tradition: rude and stubborn,  quiet, discreet and powerful.
This wine calls to mind the ancient Piedmontese traditions, when it accompanied the peasants to work and animated the evenings in the tavern, after the tiring days in the vineyards and in the fields.….
The revaluation of the wine and the technical evolution of winemaking have allowed, in recent years, to exalt his intensity and power, also suitable for long aging.
Alba is the City that give the name of him, that today has a big role about the red wines of Roero’s area.


Barbera 100%

Densità dell'impianto

5000 vines per hectare.

Resa per ettaro

60 hl.


manually, in the end of September


medium term maceration, traditional floating cap with frequent pumping over.


3 months in bottle before release.

The wine

The Color

ruby red with violet hues and tones full.

The wine

At Nose

reminiscent of plums, cherry and blueberry.

The wine

At Palate

immediately soft, full, with an acidity that gives fragrance and freshness. Wide final and spicy aftertaste, that takes back the olfactory sensations.

The wine

Food Pairing

perfect with boiled and braised meat, stewed beef, roast veal and lamb. Medium-aged cheeses.